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5 HVAC Upgrades To Consider

May 10, 2023

Homeowners often invest in renovations to increase the comfort and value of their homes. HVAC renovations improve the quality of air in your home and make it easier to cool or warm the house. Here are some of these upgrades.

1. Upgrade the Air Filtration System

You need the highest quality of air if one of the house occupants suffers from respiratory conditions such as asthma. If the filters are outdated, allergens and dust can accumulate in the air and reduce the overall air quality in the house. The solution is to upgrade your air filtration system and install UV light air purifiers. This type of purifier can trap even the tiniest particles.

2. Check the Ductwork

Sometimes you don't have to upgrade the HVAC system directly. Instead, improve the ductwork where air travels through the home. Ductwork refers to a combination of thin metal pipes that pass through the floors, ceilings, or walls. The ductwork eventually connects the HVAC unit to the air vents in every room in your home. Because the ductwork is not conspicuous, you might ignore it. 

If the ductwork has a poor design, it can interfere with proper airflow and increase your energy bills. The best strategy is to upgrade a section of the ductwork to create more effective cooling and heating while also improving airflow distribution.

3. Upgrade the Thermostat

Many old homes use manual thermostats to operate the HVAC systems. Although manual thermostats are cheaper, they will increase your energy bills in the long run. The common practice is to upgrade to a Wi-Fi or programmable thermostat.

Programmable thermostats have specific settings that allow you to turn off or on your HVAC system according to your preferred schedule. This helps save energy in homes that have fluctuating temperatures throughout the day.

If you are willing to invest substantial amounts, you can get programmable thermostats with lots of customization. Some common features to look for include backlit display panels, vacation mode, climate adaptation, and touchscreen controls. If you want to save money, avoid overpriced thermostats with unnecessary aesthetic features. 

The high-end smart thermostats connect to a smartphone and allow you to change the settings of the HVAC remotely. For example, switch off the HVAC unit while on vacation or on a business trip.

4. Add HVAC Zoning Capabilities

A zoned HVAC system divides your home into different zones, each with its own specific temperature settings. For instance, you can cool down the bedroom and keep warm temperatures in the living room. You may even decide to decrease the temperature in specific bedrooms, such as those on the upper floors.

The zoned HVAC system means that you can also stop heating or cooling places in the home that you rarely use. This will increase energy savings. In addition, zoning allows you to set temperatures that make every occupant in the home comfortable. 

5. Increase Ventilation

If your home is in a humid climate, you can improve ventilation by opening the windows. You can try other ventilation options, such as an energy recovery ventilator or a whole-house dehumidifier. Even ceiling fans can increase the ventilation inside your home. The ceiling fans circulate the hot air that rises and forces the HVAC system to generate more air. 

An energy recovery ventilator recycles air from your HVAC system and pulls in fresh air from the outdoors. If you don't want the additional humidity of outside air, invest in a whole-house dehumidifier that has a fresh air damper. 

Any Season Heating & Air Conditioning can help you with your HVAC upgrade tasks. We are a 24-hour service and same-day company that provides quick HVAC repair and replacement services. Contact us now to get a free estimate.

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Winter is approaching soon and you know what that means - high heating bills. While staying warm is essential during the chilly months, it doesn't have to come at the cost of skyrocketing utility bills. With a few simple strategies and maintenance tips, you can keep your home cozy without breaking the bank. Our professional technicians at Any Season HVAC have over 25 years of experience and have picked up on many tips on how to save money during the cold winters! 1. Regular Furnace Maintenance One of the most critical steps to ensure your furnace operates efficiently and economically is to schedule regular maintenance. An annual check-up by a professional technician can identify and address any issues, such as clogged filters or worn-out parts, before they lead to higher energy consumption and costly repairs. 2. Replace Air Filters A clean air filter is essential for efficient furnace operation. Dirty or clogged filters restrict airflow, causing your furnace to work harder and use more energy to maintain your desired temperature. Check and replace your furnace filters regularly, typically every one to three months, depending on the filter type and usage. If they’re running less, you’ll be saving much more money. 3. Upgrade to a Programmable Thermostat Investing in a programmable thermostat can significantly reduce your heating costs. These smart devices allow you to set different temperatures for various times of the day, automatically lowering the heat when you're away or sleeping and raising it when you're home and awake. This can result in substantial energy savings over time. 4. Seal Air Leaks Drafts and air leaks around windows, doors, and other openings can let cold air in and warm air out, making your furnace work harder to maintain a comfortable temperature. Inspect your home for any gaps and seal them with caulk or weatherstripping. Additionally, consider adding insulation to your attic and walls to further improve energy efficiency. 5. Utilize Zone Heating Instead of heating your entire home uniformly, consider using zone heating. This involves heating only the rooms you use most frequently, like the living room and bedrooms, while keeping unused areas cooler. Space heaters or ductless mini-split systems can help you achieve this and reduce your overall heating costs. 6. Maximize Natural Sunlight During the day, open curtains and blinds to let natural sunlight in. Sunlight can naturally warm your home, reducing the need for your furnace to work overtime. Just remember to close them at night to retain as much heat as possible. 7. Lower the Thermostat at Night Lowering your thermostat a few degrees when you go to sleep can lead to substantial savings. You can compensate by using extra blankets or wearing warmer pajamas. A programmable thermostat makes it easy to automate this temperature adjustment. 8. Keep Furniture and Drapes Away from Vents Ensure that furniture, rugs, and drapes do not obstruct heating vents or radiators. Blocking these sources of heat can reduce their efficiency and force your furnace to work harder. Not only that, but it is also a fire hazard to have objects close to hot vents. Lowering your heating bills during the winter doesn't mean sacrificing comfort. By implementing these tips and making a few adjustments to your heating habits, you can stay cozy while saving on energy costs. Remember that a well-maintained furnace and a well-insulated home are your allies in achieving both warmth and savings. Take these steps, and you'll not only enjoy a comfortable winter but also a lighter load on your wallet. Our experts at Any Season Heating & Air Conditioning can help give you advice on which system to go with to help save you money. Heating and cooling gets expensive during winter and summer so do what you can to avoid those bills. Contact us today to get more info on your furnace. We serve all of the Chicagoland area in towns such as Mokena , Palos Park , Palos Heights , Frankfort , Lockport , and more!
By Any Season Heating & Air Conditioning 22 Aug, 2023
With winter coming, it is the right time to be thinking about your furnace maintenance and for when to get your furnace serviced. Any Season Heating & Air helps homeowners and small business owners in Palos Park , Frankfort, Orland Park and Chicagoland area stay warm during the coldest months! Learn about 13 reasons that getting your furnace maintained can help you keep your home warm this winter. 1. Regular Furnace Maintenance: It's recommended to have your furnace serviced every year, ideally before the heating season begins. Regular maintenance helps ensure that your furnace operates efficiently, prevents unexpected breakdowns, and extends its lifespan. 2. Get Your Furnace Clean & Check Before Winter: Before the colder months arrive in Chicagoland, it's a good idea to schedule furnace service to ensure that your heating system is in optimal condition and ready to handle the increased demand for heat. If you are ready for your scheduled furnace maintenance, check out our furnace tune-up coupon . 3. Unusual Noises coming from the furnace: Is your furnace making a bunch of weird noises? If your furnace is making loud, unusual noises such as banging, rattling, or screeching, it's a sign that something might be wrong. A professional technician can diagnose and address the issue. 4. Uneven Heating in your home: If you notice inconsistent heating throughout your home, with some rooms being warmer than others, your furnace may need attention to ensure even distribution of heat. 5. Increased Heating Bills: If your energy bills have gone up a lot unexpectedly, it could be due to an inefficient furnace. Regular maintenance can help improve efficiency, lower energy costs and will save you money by helping your furnace lifespan. 6. Frequent Cycling On and Off: If your furnace is frequently cycling on and off (short cycling), it could indicate an issue with the thermostat, airflow, or other components. Professional furnace cleaning services can identify and resolve the problem before the coldest months arrive. 7. Weak Airflow: If the airflow from your vents feels weak, it might be due to clogged filters, blocked ducts, or other issues that can affect your furnace's performance. Ask your furnace repair technician to inspect your rooms throughout the home to ensure the weak airflow is addressed. 8. Furnace is blowing cold/cool air If your furnace is blowing cold air instead of warm air, there might be a problem with the burners, pilot light, or other components that require professional attention. An experienced HVAC technician will know what components to inspect and service to ensure proper heating last through the winter. 9. Visible Soot or Rust: If you notice soot or rust around the furnace burners or other components, it could indicate an issue with combustion that needs to be inspected by a trained professional. By addressing this issue during a furnace maintenance call, you can avoid a furnace repair during the coldest months. 10. Increased Dust and Allergies: If you and your family are experiencing an increase in allergies, respiratory issues, or general discomfort while the furnace is running, it could be due to a buildup of dust, allergens, or contaminants within the system. Professional furnace service can help improve indoor air quality and alleviate these concerns. Any Season Heating also offers professional indoor air quality products to further help your indoor air quality. 11. Age of the Furnace: If your furnace is nearing the end of its expected lifespan (typically around 15-20 years), regular maintenance becomes even more crucial to keep it running safely and efficiently. Although unexpected breakdowns occur more often with an older furnace, regular maintenance can help get a few more years out of it. 12. Carbon Monoxide Detection: If you have a carbon monoxide detector and it alerts you to elevated levels of this odorless, toxic gas, immediately turn off the furnace, ventilate the area, and contact an HVAC professional for inspection and repair as soon as possible. We offer emergency heating services that can help get this addressed quickly. 13. Safety Concerns: If you have safety concerns with your furnace, such as gas leaks or unusual odors, it's important to seek professional service immediately. Regular furnace service is important for maintaining the efficiency, safety, and longevity of your heating system. If you experience any of the above signs or are unsure about your furnace's condition, contact us with questions about your furnace or use our furnace tune-up coupon . We proudly service Palos Park , Tinley Park, New Lenox, and Chicagoland area for residential and small business heating needs.
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